Twenty20 cricket rules

Twenty20 cricket rules


Twenty20 cricket law basically follows the rules of traditional 40 and 50-day cricket games. With Twenty20 Cricket, each team can attempt to score as many runs as possible within a period of 20 out of 120 balls in one inning.
However, while Twenty20 shares many
of the extended versions of the one-day game laws, it also has specific individual rules designed to speed up the pace of the game. Some cricket traditionalists claim that these particular laws reduce the image of cricket, but are ultimately designed to give the Twenty 20 a new and exciting edge.

Twenty20 specific rules of cricket

Free hits

A free throw penalizes the pitcher if he hits a ball beyond the mark. A free throw is awarded after such an infraction and means that unless the batter is exhausted, it will not be dealt for that pitch. The batter is given a free swing without fear of reverb.

5-run penalty

With Twenty20 cricket, the referee can award one of five team bonus runs if the opponent feels they are wasting time unnecessarily. It is designed to keep the flow and rhythm of the Twenty20 game going.

75-minute time limit

The bowling team must complete 20 overs in 75 minutes, or 3 minutes and 45 seconds per over. If the bowling side does not start the 20th time before the 75 minutes have passed, the batting team will receive a 6-run bonus. Again, this rule aims to keep up with the pace and rhythm of the Twenty20 game.

Twenty20 Bowling Limits

In a redesigned move to support the batting team, individual bowlers can only throw a total of four overs during the Twenty20 game. This clearly limits the damage caused by a bowler reported to the striker.

90-second rule

If a wicket falls in a Twenty20 game, the next batter must take a position within 90 seconds of the wicket or pitcher end. If they can’t, they could be disqualified from hitting in the game.

Twenty20 defence restrictions

The law of cricket only allows five fielders to stand on the batter’s leg at a time. Similarly, on the first six-on play, only two fielders can be outside the inner circle. This number will increase to 5 fielders for the remaining 14 overs. These limits are designed to increase matches’ flow, watching and creating more spectacles for the fans


As in the penalty shootout in many other sports, the ball goes out at the end of the Twenty20 match in a draw. Five players from both sides can roll through wickets twice, without hitting the batter. The team that hits the most terrain wins the game.

So you got it. Twenty20’s rules may seem a bit random in the short term, but they are designed to speed up the game’s pace and flow to create a more exciting match. So why not get out?

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